Solvent 402 is a part of white spirit, which is placed in the lower aromatic category. The molecules in this hydrocarbon mixture have between 7 and 12 carbon atoms in their structure and are mainly used in the paint industry. In the following, you will get to know more about the applications, specifications, analysis, manufacturers and production methods of this product.
What is White Spirit
White Spirit or Solvent 402 is a mixture of paraffinic hydrocarbons. This material is considered one of the main export products of Iran and is widely used in the solvent paint manufacturing industry. Other members of the solvent 400 family include solvent 406, Halal Special, Halal 410, etc.
This compound, which is considered one of the petroleum derivatives, is a combination of aliphatic, hydrocarbon chains, or alicyclic hydroxybenzenes with 7 to 12 carbons. This material is not soluble in water and is known as an extraction solvent, paint thinner, fat remover, etc. You can see its uses below:
Applications of White Spirit
tires and tires
Paint industry
ink solvent
In Western Europe, about 60% of the total consumption of this white spirit is in paints, varnishes and varnishes.
Note that this substance is also an ink solvent, and if your clothes have ink stains and were not removed with isopropyl alcohol, you can also use this substance.
White Spirit specifications
The boiling temperature of 402 solvent varies depending on the company that produces it, but the boiling temperature of this material is usually in the range of 150 to 220 degrees Celsius. This solvent has a clear color and its smell is completely recognizable. The auto-ignition temperature of this material has been calculated at 232 degrees Celsius. As we mentioned before, mineral spirits or white spirits are divided into low and high aromatic categories, and 402 solvent is a low aromatic category.
The important thing about this solvent is that it is non-corrosive and chemically quite stable. It is because of this stability that this solvent is used in the paint industry. Distillation range considered for solvent 402 or mineral spirits is 142 to 200 degrees Celsius. The flash point considered for this material is 36 to 43 degrees Celsius (depending on the manufacturer and grade).
Different grades and levels of this White Spirit
This solvent is produced and marketed in three different levels, and each level has its own specific application. In the following, we will examine each of these levels briefly:
1. Grade A or Level 1
The first level of solvent 402 is known as level 1 or grade 1. This level is specific to the printing and paint industry and is also referred to as an oil thinner. The most type of 402 solvent in the market is of this level or grade. Statistics show that in Western Europe, 60% of white spirits are used to produce nail polish and paint. In our country, some dear painters use this solvent to clean their brushes after they finish their work in the building.
2. Grade B or Level 2
This grade is mostly used in fabric printing, printing ink, floor coating, varnishes and alcohol. Grade B is mostly for the textile industry, but this grade is also widely used for wood preservation.
3. Grade C or Level 3
Another main and widely used grade of solvent 402 is grade C or level 3, which is mostly used in metal industries. This grade is used to produce metal surface lubricating solvents and cleaning sprays. For example, in the metal industry, the product that is produced may be full of oil and grease, and this oil or grease is removed with the help of this solvent.
White Spirit production
As mentioned in the previous section, the solvent 402 is based on white oil or kerosene, which of course is made by distilling kerosene.
Crozen is a heavy compound made of chains that have 10 to 17 carbon atoms, so these chains must be broken in stages to reach the solvent structure of 402 or white spirits, which is made possible by distilling crozen. Crozen has linear and non-linear alkanes and silcoalkanes in its composition, which make up nearly two-thirds (2/3) of crozen, and the maximum amount of aromatics they can have in crozen is 20 to 25%, and the composition Alfins also make up a maximum of five percent of the volume of Cruzan.
Three types of solvents are made and produced during the distillation of Crozen. In this way, in the first part of the fracture or Kruzen cut, white spirit is produced, which has 20% of aromatic compounds in its structure and is known as zero type white spirit, then hydrodesulfurization is performed on this type of white spirit. which leads to the production of white spirit type 1, white spirit that has 14 to 16% aromatics is called white spirit type 2, and if hydrogenation is done and the aromatic percentage falls below 5, type 3 is also made.
And finally, the solvent is 402 white spirit, which is allowed to have less than 20% aromatic compounds, which is colorless and odorless.
Other names Solvent 402
Halal 402 is also known by other names, some of which are:
White Spirit
Mineral solvent
Substitute for turpentine
paint thinner
Oil thinner
Stanford solvent
Mineral spirit
In fact, each of these cases is reminiscent of Solvent 402.
White spirit or solvent 402 or thinner
White spirits, or 402 solvent, have uses, the most important of which can be considered as a solvent for oil paints, which has increased the scope of their applications, because oil paints are used in many cases, such as painting buildings, cars, etc. Therefore, the use of white spirit and oil thinners has a positive effect on its color and quality.
Thinner is also a type of solvent that has the properties of 402 solvent, and in most cases 402 solvent is called the same as thinner.
Application of White Spirit
Halal 402 has different and diverse applications, and in this part of the article we intend to point out the most important ones:
1. An excellent solvent in the paint industry
Halal 402 is one of the most special products used in the paint industry. This substance has little toxicity and on the other hand, its flammability is less compared to other solvents. For this reason, it is a favorite of the paint industry.
2. Coating industries
Usually, wood industry, shoe wax production and fabric use this excellent white spirit for their coating processes. For fabric printing, shoe wax and coating and wood preservation, Halal 402 can be an excellent and unique product. The non-corrosive properties of this solvent can be excellent and unique.
3. An excellent cleaner for various surfaces
One of the great features and uses of the discussed solvent is that it can clean the oily and hydrocarbon substances that exist on different surfaces. Usually, the metal industry makes a lot of use of this feature. Wooden objects such as furniture or tables can also be cleaned with this excellent solvent.
An interesting feature: One of the interesting features of this solvent is that it can remove gum or substances that stick to carpets or clothes. In fact, this solvent dissolves sticky materials in itself.
4. An important diluent
One of the important features of this solvent is that it can be used as a diluent in the printing and alcohol industry, spray and nail polish production. The solubility of white spirit has led to its use as an efficient diluent.
5. Use in dry cleaners
One of the solvents previously used in dry cleaners was gasoline, which had a very good cleaning power, but after some time it was found that it has a very high toxicity and can cause many problems. It was for this reason that Halal 402 replaced gasoline.
To buy this Chemical product, you can contact the leading professionals of Susyant business.
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