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Acetic acid

Acetic acid, also known as ethanoic acid, is a clear colourless liquid which has a pungent, vinegar-like odour. When it is pure (100% acetic acid) it is referred to as glacial acetic acid.

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Acetic acid

Acetic acid or CH₃COOH, glacial appears as a clear colorless liquid with a strong odor of vinegar. Flash point 104 °F. Density 8.8 lb / gal. Corrosive to metals and tissue. Used to make other chemicals, as a food additive, and in petroleum production.

One of the most common ways consumers may come into contact with acetic acid is in the form of household vinegar, which generally contains about 5 percent acetic acid and 95 percent water.

When CH₃COOH is at 99.5 percent concentration, it is referred to a glacial CH₃COOH, which can be used as raw material and solvent in the production of other chemical products.

Industrial applications of glacial acetic acid include producing vinyl acetate, as solvent to dissolve oils, sulfur and iodine; acidizing oil and gas; manufacturing pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and food processing.

Occupational exposure to glacial CH₃COOH can occur through inhalation and skin or eye contact. OSHA has set standards for exposure to CH₃COOH.

Uses & Benefits

One of the most common ways consumers may come into contact with acetic acid is in the form of household vinegar, which is naturally made from fermentable sources such as wine, potatoes, apples, grapes, berries and grains. Vinegar is a clear solution generally containing about 5 percent CH₃COOH and 95 percent water.  Vinegar is used as a food ingredient and can also be an ingredient in personal care products, household cleaners, pet shampoos and many other products for the home:

vinegar and baking soda
  • Food Preparation: Vinegar is a common food ingredient, often used as a brine in pickling liquids, vinaigrettes, marinades and other salad dressings.  Vinegar also can be used in food preparation to help control Salmonella contamination in meat and poultry products.
  • Cleaning: Vinegar can be used throughout the home as a window cleaner, to clean automatic coffee makers and dishes, as a rinsing agent for dishwashers, and to clean bathroom tile and grout. Vinegar can also be used to clean food-related tools and equipment because it generally does not leave behind a harmful residue and requires less rinsing.


: In concentrations of 10 to 20 percent, CH₃COOH can be used as a weed killer on gardens and lawns. When used as an herbicide, the CH₃COOH can kill weeds that have emerged from the soil, but does not affect the roots of the weed, so they can regrow.

When acetic acid is at 99.5 percent concentration, it is referred to as glacial acetic acid. Glacial acetic acid has a variety of uses, including as a raw material and solvent in the production of other chemical products.

Industrial applications for glacial acetic acid include:

Vinyl Acetate, cellulose fibers and plastics

  • : CH₃COOH is used to make many chemicals, including vinyl acetate, acetic anhydride and acetate esters.
    • Vinyl acetate is used to make polyvinyl acetate, a polymer used in paints, adhesives, plastics and textile finishes.
    • Acetic anhydride is used in the manufacture of cellulose acetate fibers and plastics used for photographic film, clothing and coatings.
    • CH₃COOH is also used in the chemical reaction to produce purified terephthalic acid (PTA), which is used to manufacture the PET plastic resin used in synthetic fibers, food containers, beverage bottles and plastic films.
  • Solvents: Acetic acid is a hydrophilic solvent, similar to ethanol. It dissolves compounds such as oils, sulfur and iodine and mixes with water, chloroform and hexane.
  • Acidizing oil and gas: CH₃COOH can help reduce metal corrosion and scale build-up in oil and gas well applications. It is also used in oil well stimulation to improve flow and increase production of oil and gas.
  • Pharmaceuticals and vitamins: The pharmaceutical industry uses acetic acid in the manufacture of vitamins, antibiotics, hormones and other products.
  • Food Processing: CH₃COOH is commonly used as a cleaning and disinfecting product in food processing plants.
  • Other uses: Salts of acetic acid and various rubber and photographic chemicals are made from CH₃COOH. Acetic acid and its sodium salt are commonly used as a food preservative.

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