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20 years of chemical sustainability

In the past 20 years, the importance of sustainability in the chemical industry has risen dramatically. Back in 2004, there was far less recognition of where raw materials come from, the resources consumed and discharged as products are made and used, and what happens to products at end-of-life. But nowadays, a significant focus on sustainability […]


bitumen, dense, highly viscous, petroleum-based hydrocarbon that is found in deposits such as oil sands and pitch lakes (natural bitumen) or is obtained as a residue of the distillation of crude oil (refined bitumen). In some areas, particularly in the United States, bitumen is often called asphalt, though that name is almost universally used for the road-paving material made from a mixture of gravel, […]


There’s one central source at the heart of all things Calor And that’s LPG. But what is it? LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is a hydrocarbon gas that exists in a liquefied form. LPG is a colourless, low carbon and highly efficient fuel. Supplied in two main forms, propane (C3H8) and butane (C₄H₁₀), LPG has a range […]

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