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Polyethylene  is probably the polymer you see most in daily life. It is one of the polymers called polyolefins, which is an odd name. Many names from the past have nothing to do with the actual chemical compositions of the molecules, but that’s a story for another time. Polyethylene is the most popular plastic in […]

Petrochemical products in everyday life

A myriad of objects we use daily are made of petrochemicals.Petrochemical products include plastics, rubbers, resins, synthetic fibers, adhesives, dyes, detergents, pesticides, and petroleum-derived paints and coatings. In 2016, petrochemicals accounted for approximately one third of the 1.1 million barrels per day of the natural gas liquids demand in Canada. Petrochemical products Petrochemical products are […]

US oil refining industry revenues fell

US refineries experienced the lowest revenue in the last three months of 2020. This indicates the pressure of rising crude oil prices, weak demand due to travel restrictions imposed to curb the corona virus, and higher costs of refinery operations associated with the integration of renewable fuels into their products. Independent US refineries lost $ […]

Widespread fire US refinery

A US oil refinery in the state of West Virginia has caught fire, according to the Associated Press.The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a rally at the Argonne oil refinery in Knoll, West Virginia. No casualties have been reported so far, but the route to the refinery has been blocked.The cause of […]

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