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perchlorine | Calcium Hypochlorite
13 دی1401

perchlorine | Calcium Hypochlorite

?What is perchlorine

Perchlorin (calcium hypochlorite) is a white substance with disinfection properties that is used to disinfect water, vegetables, fruits, containers, bathrooms, toilets and contaminated places. This material is usually available in the market with a purity of 60-70%.
The cause of many intestinal infectious diseases (cholera, etc.) are very large organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. These organisms enter the human body by eating contaminated water, vegetables and fruits or through containers and cause disease. One of the water ways of treating infectious intestinal diseases is to disinfect drinking water and consume fruits and vegetables with perchlorine solution.

:Disinfection of drinking water with perchlorine

Calcium hypochlorite is a white powder with disinfecting properties that has a pungent smell and irritates the respiratory tract. This material is available in the market with a purity of 60-70%

:During chlorination, it is necessary to observe the following points

When using perchlorine powder, cover your mouth and nose with a mask or cloth. After opening the lid of the barrel, the chlorine powder inside can be used for up to one and a half months, and after this period, it loses its effect. Perchlorin should be kept out of the reach of children. Whenever chlorine is added to the water, it must be stirred with a device to mix it well and wait at least 30 minutes for use. Very polluted waters that contain large amounts of organic matter or dark waters are not suitable for chlorination. Therefore, dark water should be filtered first and then chlorinated. The amount of perchlorine to disinfect each cubic meter of water is 3 to 5 grams and the optimal amount of residual free chlorine is 0.2 to 0.8 mg/liter

:Perchlorin powder storage conditions

Due to sensitivity to heat and moisture, perchlorine barrels should be kept in a dry and cool place. Keeping it in the sun or in hot warehouses may cause explosion
Perchlorine barrels should not be placed in the vicinity of fragrant and flammable substances such as gasoline, oil, diesel or agricultural poisons, especially phosphorus poison, disinfectants such as creolin. The warehouse for storing perchlorine barrels must be equipped with proper ventilation. The floor of the warehouse for storing perchlorine barrels must be made of moisture-resistant material. Perchlorine barrels should be placed on wooden boards that are 10 cm away from the warehouse floor

:Application of perchlorine

Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial (anti-odor)
For drinking water treatment, bleaching agent (paper, textiles)
Disinfectant and disinfectant of swimming pools

Sale of perchlorine

pishro tejarat soshianet company is ready to provide the perchlorine required by various industries with the best price and the best quality while receiving orders from buyers online and 24/7 through its website and in the fastest possible time through a reliable transportation system to different countries to send

.To request the purchase of perchlorin, proceed through the link

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